I am thankful for all the sunny days, which helped the crops grow and made working outside pleasant.
I am thankful for all the rainy days, which helped the crops grow and made working inside pleasant.
I am thankful for the giant snowstorm this spring, which I can complain about for twenty years before we get another one.
I am thankful that our goats had successful pregnancies this year, which gave us a whole lot of milk to drink.
I am thankful for Nesquik, which tastes great in goat’s milk.
I am thankful that I am healthy enough to clean the chicken coops, which builds character.
I am thankful for all the times that I am not cleaning the chicken coops.
I am thankful for being able to see progress as we work on the farm and the store, which keeps me motivated to keep making more progress.
I am thankful for all of the people that encourage us to keep working on the store, whether it be neighbors or customers or the people who drive by with their heads turned toward the store. You all encourage me to keep making progress, too.
I am thankful for a very long, nearly unachievable to do list, which makes it so that I am never ever bored. Ever.
I am thankful that, despite all of the things we worked on, we did not have any serious injuries or dismemberments, which is why I am still able to type this thankfulness list.
I am thankful for all the people we met through various farming activities, including the summer produce program and the random people I get talking to and find out that they have goats too. You all are really fun to share things with, whether it be produce, baked goods, eggs, honey, stories, or laughs.
I am thankful for pie.
I am thankful to all of our customers, whose smiles remind me frequently why I like doing this whole farm thing.
I am thankful to my family, who either supports this farm venture or is waist deep in it with me.
I am thankful for the baby girl that God blessed my wife and I with this summer. It will really help to have another laborer on the farm.
I am thankful for my savior Jesus Christ, who died on the cross in my place.
I am thankful for the Bible, which teaches me everything I need to know about life and godliness.
And I am thankful for the Holy Spirit, which works on my heart to overcome my unbelief and increase my ability to live more like Christ.
Amen! And I thoroughly enjoyed reading your entire list!