On Saturday, May 4th we here at Hust Roost Farm participated in the Tri-County Farm Trail event for the very first time. This event (formally known as the Broome County Farm Trail) involves a number of local farms opening their doors to allow families to come visit them and learn a bit about what they do. A lot of effort went into preparing for this day, as it was the first time we truly opened our doors to the general public. As the 10:00 am start time arrived and a few cars trickled in we were grateful that we were at least going to have some visitors. By 10:30 am we had pretty much filled up our parking lot (about 20 cars) and were thinking “how cool is this?”. After that, the cars just kept coming, even though they had to park out on Route 26. Anyone passing through Glen Aubrey on that Saturday that didn’t know about the Farm Trail had to wonder what the heck was going on, as the cars were lined up way up and down the road.
Needless to say, we were absolutely blown away by the turn out. We are so thankful for the help we received the day of the Farm Trail from Rachel’s parents, her brother Brian, our good friend Tom (who is really part of our family), our niece Danielle, and our nephew Nick (aka Mr. Nibs). Also, we never would have had the store ready for so many visitors without the help that my brother Scott Hust provided in the weeks leading up to the Farm Trail. Below are some pictures highlighting the days activities.

All in all it was a wonderful day here at Hust Roost Farm and we felt so blessed to have so many people come enjoy the farm and get to see what we are trying to do here. We can’t wait to be officially open for business and, now that we have our first Farm Trail under our belts, we are really looking forward to the Fall Farm Trail that takes place on October 5th.