My stepmother, Cathy, left one week ago today to be with two of her sisters in California while they recovered from a kidney transplant surgery (one of them gave her kidney to the other). With all credit going to God, the surgery went very well, and the recovery processes are going as planned. Any and all prayers for them are very much appreciated.
You may be saying to yourself, “What does this have to do with rabbits? The title of this article definitely mentioned rabbits.” Well, since Cathy was leaving, the rest of us here thought it would be fun to try to get as much done as possible and surprise her. One of the things that we knew would surprise her was if she got back and we had rabbits on the farm. Well, that means we have four days left to get rabbits… and it is going to be close.
We are currently in that wild phase where suddenly the whole venture moved out of concept phase and we have little idea what we are doing but it is happening anyway. I do love this phase. I don’t think my father does though.
So far, we have prepared a place for them, and we know the plans we have for them. Plans to prosper them. That last bit of plan talk was referencing Jeremiah 29:11, in case you were wondering why the writing suddenly seemed a bit weird.
We have looked into a couple of places where we can purchase our rabbits. We are starting out with New Zealand rabbits. They are the prime meat rabbit, and they have all white fur so that we could potentially use it for making various things, such as gloves. We are leaning towards starting with four… two bucks and two does. Then some magic can happen and there will be more! Then comes the rewarding part: enjoying their nutritional value. You can read here how nutritious rabbit meat is. Seriously, it is a super food. That’s our motivation for this whole venture.
At this point we need to get some materials. This includes feed, waterers, and feed troughs (or some other type of thing to hold the feed). Then come the rabbits. I would like to believe that we can do this before Cathy comes home. However, if we do not, you can still expect us to have rabbits very shortly. I have no doubt there will be pictures on this website and our facebook site, and if you stop by to visit the farm, we would love to show the rabbits to you. I realize this blog post may have ruined the possible surprise for Cathy, but I figured that it was best to warn her. So Cathy, if you are reading this, be prepared to have rabbits on your homestead very, very soon.
Surprise to me!! I was reading this blog to Mary and she said, Well you aren’t going to be surprised now!