The Summer Wish List

We all have one… that wish list of projects that we would like to get done this summer. Funny how the list always ends up being longer than what time seems to allow. Anyway, this list is to give you an idea of what is on the front burner and cooking at the Hust Roost Farm. This list does not include the daily or seasonal jobs that are routine, such as getting firewood, harvesting produce, and such as them.


This one is happening. It has been on the wish list for months… over a year actually. And now is the time. The items above it on the wish list (goats!!!, free ranging the chickens, planting the fruit trees, bushes, and vines) have all been crossed off. We already have a space for them. The next step is to figure out what we need exactly to build the cages for them, and then we can build them. Then we will find a place to buy New Zealand rabbits (there are more places around here than I would have thought), and we will be on our way.


Dag nab it, this one is going to happen soon too. I am more excited to get worms than would seem sensible, and it won’t take much work to do it. There is a place in Owego that sells the red worms we want, all I have to do is slap together a couple pieces of scrap wood or find a bin for them and go get them. This onewouldn’t take much upkeep either; it just keeps getting pushed back by more urgent things.

More Strawberries

Based on the amount of people that have stopped this summer and the supply we will want to have for our baked goods and jams, we have determined that it would be a great idea to plant more strawberries this fall that could produce next year. That means we need to order them and work on the next wish list item….

Garden Expansion

We have some places picked out to break ground, and one of them is next to the existing strawberries. I am feeling a little sweaty even now at the thought of toiling with the pickaxe and rotatiller, but the thought of sweet strawberries will keepmy heart strong. Not sure how much more ground we will get to breaking besides the strawberry section. Ideally it would be most of the places we hope to, but I make no promises.


I have the feeling that we will get to this one this year, but it could very well be one of those hastily done things that slips in right before the weather turns. We are determined to putĀ one up for the advantages it will give us in the growing season next year, and we hope to sell some starter plants and flowers next spring. We have the spot picked out, and we have been scouting out craigslist for people getting rid of small ones. The other option is to construct one ourselves. We will see.

Chicken Coop Expansion

Let’s face it. We have a lot of chickens now. Off the top of my head, I would say about 130. Many of those won’t make it to winter, at least not in their current location. They are ticketed for the freezer. But we will still have over 50 birds going into the cold months. We have enough room for them, so I don’t know that we will get to this one this year, but we have the perfect spot for easy expansion and the hopes of expanding our flock, so it definitely makes the wish list.

Hust Roost Farm Sign

This is a fun one. It wouldn’t be a sign for the road. For now, our current sign is doing just dandy (though I imagine a Hust Roost Farm Sign for the road will be on a wish list before I know it). This sign would be for the top of the chicken barn. We are picturing ourselves using scrap wood to design the letters, painting them white, then screwing them onto the top of the barn. Not a huge rush on it since it is mostly for aesthetics, but if/when we get to it, it is going to look sweet.

Maple Syrup Evaporator

We really enjoyed making maple syrup this spring, and we have already discussed our plans for next spring. We are about to order a bunch of the plastic maple syrup jugs that everyone recognizes so well, and in preparation for next year’s season, we have discussed buying a cheap, small-scale evaporator or building one. It would greatly reduce the amount of time necessary to boil the sap, and that would be awesome because it would allow us to do more for the same amount of work. At the very least, we figure that we can build a little brick fire pit with a chimney that will keep the hot air in much more efficiently (thus speeding up the boiling process) and keep soot and ash out (don’t worry, we will still strain it a few times anyway).

So, as you can see, we will be pretty bored this summer. Oh. Sorry about that, I apologize for lying right there. We have enough to do to keep us busy! Now you’ll know what to look for if you stop by. Hopefully some of these things will be crossed off at that point.



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